Hello guys :) . In this page, i will share with you guys about my experiences in community programme under Comrade Club.

When you feel like you 're fulfilled, and have everything that you want to make you happy in life, most people would give back to those who don 't have the things we have. I am one of the people who believes in that, but I didn't always have that mindset. It’s not that I resented volunteering, it’s just the fact that I had to take time out of my own life to volunteer. Volunteering is when people of any age take time out of their own personal lives to help out their community, the homeless, and etc. But after some time, you realize that maybe its worth it to take time out of your life to help out and volunteer. 

I had so many ideas in my head about volunteering before I even tried it, but after I had done the volunteering, everything changed.

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The variety of volunteer opportunities is endless. Volunteering can range from helping the homeless or building houses for the poor. Natural disasters create many volunteer experiences in which an individual can travel to remote locations in order to clean up after a disaster, meanwhile creating relationships with a variety of people. Long-lasting friendships are created through volunteering because each person values their rewarding work. Volunteers are surrounded with like-minded people and see the positive change they are making on their society and world. Although volunteering is not a paid position it is evident that many life skills are gained from volunteering which wealth cannot provided. 

Sometimes, even the simplest of acts can have an impact, and as volunteers, that is what we strive for. With no money involved or personal financial benefits, a sense of selflessness is needed to focus on the tasks at hand. However, much knowledge can be gained, and that is why I plan to volunteer at the indigenous villages. By volunteering at this programme, I can gain useful knowledge for my future career, associate with knowledgeable colleagues.
