CCUB 4621


1. Favourite Quran Verses

For me, my favourite verses or ayat is surah al baqarah verses 286

     لَا يُكَلِّفُ اللَّهُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَ

Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to extent of its ability…(2:286)

This means that regardless of the situation, Allah (s.w.t) is choosing to test you with that challenge because He knows that you can get through it : that you are strong enough.

This verses is comforting because knows deep in my heart that even though sadness can kill from the inside and out, facing big problems but believed that we can face them no matter how hard times get since ALLAH has guaranteed happiness at the end. So trust in that, trust in that strength that Allah (s.w.t) gave us. Because after the storm, comes a rainbow.

So whatever trial comes your way is something that Allah has planned and which He has GUARANTEED you can handle.

2. Infographic and Reflection

3. Favourite Hadith

On the authority of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, radiyallahu ‘anhu, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, say:

“When any one of you sees anything that is disapproved (of by Allah), let him change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then let him change it with his heart, though that is the weakest (kind of) faith.”

This is my favourite hadith because it relate with Changing Evil with the Hands, Speech and Heart

Scholars say that before using the hand, We should start with advice, warning the people of the consequence of evil and encouraging and motivating them to good actions. When this method has been fully utilized and there is no change in the people, only then is it permissible to use the hand.

People differ in their ability to change things; in general, when someone is higher in his rank or authority, then there is more responsibility on him to remove the evil. Do not look for people's faults. Show forgiveness and kindness towards the people, and not to be affected by worry or anger in case the people show a negative response to the advice.

5. Video & Planning Schedule

6. Community Engagement Updates



7. Reflection of Usrah Budi 4

For this short semester, I am taking usrah budi 4. Instead of just to fulfill the university requirement, I can say that join usrah surely increase our belief to Allah and our knowledge about Islam. 

We have a wonderful and lovely naqibah Sis Farzana who not only shares information with us but also is constantly encouraging us to think deeply the topic that have been discussed it every classes from the other classmate. For my opinion, other than it give us more ukhwah towards each other, it is also make our self-esteem higher than usual, because due that we comfortable with each other and every class there will have volunteers from our classmate to share whatever topic related to Islam. Her fundamental message of never giving up and the encouragement to discuss what matter topic bring on, she still can manage to conduct it well. 

I find the classes welcoming and sporting. I do not feel like I am being judged for not knowing the answer to every question. A circle that called usrah with caring naqibah and lovely classmate made me fall in love in this Usrah. Therefore, I encourage for all of you, who read this post to join usrah. You surely will not regret it. 

For the suggestions in the future I hope we will have some games that will bring more fun. As for my last usrah budi I want to say Allah’s help can come in many forms. Never lose hope and always pray to Allah to help us in every endeavor. Put all our hope and dependence on Allah and Allah alone. I hope my girls understand this. That all for now, till we meet again. Assalamualaikum. 
