Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your career, and even feel happier and healthier. That why i love involved in volunteering. Alhamdullilah i had the opportunity joining international volunteering to Cambodia with the Umission club under IIUM at 9th until 23rd August 2019. The venue that we are visited are Phnom Phen, Battambang, Kg. Cham & Kampot Provinces. The main mission are circumcision,slaughtering (Qurban & Akikah), and Outreah which is distributing basic necessities for the needy Muslim Families in Cambodia.   

The slaughtering of an animal for the Eid al-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) is something that is incumbent on all Muslims, male and female, if they have above a certain amount of savings. The word "qurban" is an Arabic word and carries the meaning of coming closer. Coming closer to God and more importantly, coming closer to the community.


Outreah which is distributing basic necessities for the needy Muslim Families in Cambodia
