CCUB 3621

Hi, welcome back to my blogspot! hope you guys doing well. In this page i wanna share my hobby which is photograph picture. Personally, by practicing the art of photography every day, I’ve come to see the world differently. It’s also changed my perception of what in life is important and worthwhile. There is beauty in the little things.

Photography helps you capture anything you feel is important to remember. One photograph is powerful enough to not only remind you of an event or detail, but can bring you right back to the feelings, sounds, and even smells of the moment. With every picture, you are telling your family’s unwritten stories and giving them that gift to keep and pass along. As the popular idiom says, “A picture is worth a thousand words”.

Photography makes me so much more observant and aware of the wonderful little things that surround me each day. I notice things like light, shadows, patterns, frames, and colors that I can use in my pictures. More importantly, I notice meaningful things like connections, expressions, gestures, feelings, and especially the small mundane things that I want to remember. It has even gotten me to enjoy things that I didn’t really love before.

Everyone loves a good picture, so photography is an easy way to connect to people. I love to be able to share our lives through my photos. It is another way to stay in contact with far away family and friends.

Personally,  photography can bring you so much joy. In the midst of a hectic day, there is just something satisfying about slowing down and intentionally focusing on what is in front of you. I feel like I’m filling up my own gratitude journal with every click.

Here i attached some pictures. Hope you enjoy it. Thank You
